The Word of God does the Work of God, so on Wednesdays we…

dig a little deeper.

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Midweek Discipleship

The Word of God does the work of God! That’s why we make time during our week to dig in to the Word of God together.


Resurrection Institute

During the school year we offer Bible Studies to help disciples dig into God’s Word and grow together as a family of disciples. We make no bones about it–we want to dig deep into God’s Word on Wednesday nights. Join us and prepare to soak it in!

Our Bible Studies run from 6:30PM–8PM on Wednesday night.


Durning the school year we offer Awana as a ministry to help children grow in their knowledge of God’s Word. Awana brings a fun mix of games, teaching, Bible memorization and other activities to help kids hide God’s Word in their hearts.

Awana runs from 6:30PM–8:05PM on Wednesday night.

Resurrection Teens

During the school year Resurrection Teens gathers to help teens grow in and embrace their faith. We want to help teens prepare to live as disciples of Christ for the rest of their lives.

Resurrection Teens runs from 6:30PM–8PM on Wednesday night.

Summers at Resurrection Church

During the summer Resurrection Church “moves out.” We push pause on our midweek discipleship ministries and prioritize our Gospel Communities. You can read more about our Gospel Communities here.

We want to be UNAVOIDABLY CLEAR–pausing our midweek ministries does NOT mean pausing discipleship and evangelism. Actually quite the opposite, we pause our discipleship ministries in order to create space and flexibility for the mission in the summer.

We want our members gathering more, not less. They just might be gathering in their backyard or grilling at the local park with friends. We will always be a church that gathers but we must always be a church that goes!